Growing Roots empowers and educates Spanish and English-speaking low-income parents of children with special needs about their child’s needs through interactive classes and support groups sensitive to cultural, socioeconomic and language differences.
I have the opportunity to join forces with Growing roots to create photography and video to help support their cause in helping these families. My Spanish is very broken and I know very few phrases so its been a challenge to photograph as well as video the kids and the mothers. It’s a very humbling experience not being able to understand what is communicated. Recently I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica and Mexico. I was there for just a few weeks. I used to judge immigrants more harshly who came to this country without knowing any English. The truth is that its this huge overwhelming learning curve. I understand the blank stare of ” No entiendo que mi español es malo “- No understand my spanish is bad.
Maria Hendendez is the leader of this group with the bigger heart. She does so much good for so many of these people. They have all sorts of different types of classes that are very hands on, there is a Yoga class that is held. They have baby sitters there for the moms. It really is a great service. I believe that any form of education is a great cause to support.
They have a fundraiser coming up on May 12 in Austin Texas.
Join Growing Roots for an evening of drinks, food and live music. We look forward to sharing our impact within the East Austin community- providing free classes and support groups to low-income parents of children with special needs. There is a fundraiser May 12 in Austin.

Here are some images I shot:

Growing Roots website is

Check out invite here:
606 East 3rd Street (Red Historic Home behind Moonshine Patio & Grill)
10 dollars at the door or purchased here:
Silent Auction Donors and Sponsors are welcome at no cost.

Texas Event Photography provided by Cass Studios Natalie Cass